As we did our Advent family devotional last night, I decided to put on some Christmas music while we finished up. I popped in "Faith Hill" which I consider to be my favorite Christmas CD,and the girls and I proceeded to sing and dance through the entire CD. At the end we came to the song "A baby changes everything." As I tried calming the girls and getting them ready for bed, I listened to the words of the song quietly knowing that they were piercing my heart more than I had intended. I suddenly realized that I had more in common with Mary, then I had ever imagined.
I started to think back to over 5 years ago to the day when I learned I was going to be a mother. I had gotten pregnant during our honey moon. I was so excited about our baby especially since I had prayed for her for years! I wasn't quite sure I could have babies then, and for it to happen so quickly was such a blessing! I was so consumed with the blessing God had given me that I didn't consider what others would be thinking. I was so overwhelmed with our blessing that I couldn't hold it in but was anxious to tell everyone right away, what God had done for me! Well after a week or so I was shocked to face some of the most hurtful words of my life.
The accusations of people that my child was conceived out of wedlock was horrifying. The way people looked at me, stopped talking to me, and talked about me, stole the joy away from my 1st blessing, not to mention caused lots of problems in our young marriage. What I considered a blessing others thought was a sin. No matter what I did to try and prove to them we did not do anything wrong, and even after having a letter from my doctor stating the date I became pregnant; some people still would not believe us. Then 5 weeks before she was due, my little blessing wanted to come early! As labor started that morning, all I could do was cry that no one would ever believe me now!
Since then we received apologies from some. However there was still a lot unsaid to others who made accusations and did not really know us or know our hearts. I still would not change any of it. Yes it damaged relationships we had with others, and things were never the same afterward, but, I've since been able to move on and use this as a testimony in my life instead of dwelling on that pain.
I feel that I can relate to Mary in a way. She was young, probably excited and scared. Hurt by all the talking, rude comments, and unbelief in what she told them had happened. And yet, was carrying the biggest blessings God could ever give someone! Jesus Christ our savior! Even after all the evidence the miracles, the signs and wonders; people would still not accept the truth, that he was the Son of God, Christ-the Messiah.
It's funny how such a little person can change your life in such a big way. Before my girls, little things in life didn't seem to matter so much. But once I was trusted with this little life to care for, teach, and mold into a grown woman -things got serious! This is a HUGE job! I have four little souls in my hands and what type of Women they become all rests on my shoulders! I'm responsible for each and everything that goes into them, food, cartoons, language, The Word of God, knowledge and wisdom. And what goes in must come out! Everything they see, hear, and experience will effect their life. I wonder if Mary thought that about Jesus or if she felt like she could breath easy since after all he is going to be perfect!
Anyways I'm so thankful that this year my girls are able to talk about Jesus, and realize that this is his birthday and not just another meaningless holiday. I'm thankful that after 5 years of grooming my oldest daughter she has accepted Christ into her heart this year! And I'm so amazed by her love for Christ and boldness about Him already! I'm looking forward to our Celebration of Christ's birth this year and making it as real as we can for the girls.
I pray everyone else has an amazing loving Christmas as well!
Merry Christmas!
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