So my husband tells me today is Wednesday, I've completely lost track of the days! The last three weeks is more of a blur at this point. The only way I've been able to keep track of what day it is, is that I haven't been to the hospital in the last two days with anyone!
Yesterday, Goobies, Pumpkin, and Hobble-bobble all woke with fevers. Pumpkin's throat was so swollen she could hardly talk! We made an appointment with the pediatrician and went that afternoon. They tested all three for Strep, and all three were negative. Pumpkin has tonsillitis pretty bad, her tonsils are very swollen, Goobies also had tonsillitis with two ear infections, and Hobble-bobble only had a red throat.
After their appointment I dropped all the kids home with daddy, and went on my mission to pick up: wipes, diapers, soap, cleaner, library books, fill prescriptions, and pick up groceries.
Organization has been a KEY ingredient to juggling everything the last few weeks. I've not had the best track record for staying organized, but when it comes to my kids I have to make myself! We are completely blessed that my husband has such a flexible job, and is able to be with us during the day when we have hard times like this! So Nathan has been taking the morning/early afternoon shift, and I have been on evening/night shift. I'm usually up until 6:30am (that's when everyone has finally settled down), and then when Nathan gets up around 8:00am, I go to bed. We have two white boards in the kitchen, one for recording the time each temperature was taken, and when they received their fever medications; the other to record when they have received their normal daily medications, and antibiotics. Each kid has a plastic baggie with their name on it, along with their measuring device to use for their medicine; we also have a cup for each kid with a piece of masking tape and their name on it so they don't drink after each other right now!
So far today, we've had two hit 104.7 but we've managed to get the fevers under control with continuous rotation of motrin, tylenol, and tepid baths!
I'm so thankful for a husband who is so hands on and loves our children just as much as I do! I realize that there aren't a lot of fathers out there who want to change diarrhea diapers, clean up vomit, give baths and keep track of when medications were last handed out, and I'll be the first one to say my girls have an amazing daddy! I can only pray that they find a husband who is just as loving to their own children! While most people would be out of their minds right now, we have found humor, happiness, love and patience within this situation. We've all grown so much closer since we've had individual time with each child, and Nathan and I even though we've been exhausted have made time for each other even it it was only 10 minutes of sitting on the couch together. Although it's been a lot of work, I'm completely thankful for the time we've had together as a family and wouldn't trade it for anything!
Kudos Nathan! Being such an amazing daddy to those girls only means that they will settle for nothing less in their own lives. :) What a blessing he is to you and the girls! And way to go on your organization! :D