Gosh it seems like forever since I last posted, but it really was only a few weeks. We are in the middle of operation: "get through the first three weeks of June" right now and still chugging along!! Our busiest three weeks of the year! Little Bear had her recital on the 2nd, she did fantastic! She knew all her dance moves and looked beautiful on stage! I think her favorite part was getting to put on make-up and then getting flowers from daddy and grandma afterwards! She loved her flowers!!!
We left the recital right after her performance and rushed everyone back home. Grandma came and stayed the rest of the evening with the kids while Nathan & I dressed up (super) nice and headed to the Jefferson Hotel for my sweet neighbors wedding. I'm totally going to miss my neighbor Michelle across the street! She has been an amazing friend the last few years that she has lived there; but I am EXTREMELY excited that she has found the love of her life and is happy! Her wedding was beautiful! She was exquisite! I don't believe I've been to a wedding that fancy before in my life and it was the most fun I've had since my own wedding! It was nice to get out and have some time to dance, and have a nice dinner, and celebrate the beginning of her new marriage!
On Monday, Pumpkin & Little Bear had their first swimming lessons! They were so excited to swim; Pumpkin did great! She went under the water, jumped in and kicked around on the kick board. Little Bear was a little more difficult but she is coming along slowly. She is so afraid to put her face in the water! So tonight after three days of lessons and her still having trouble, I filled up the bathtub and put her in it. I figured out that she didn't understand what they were trying to tell her about blowing air out under water and holding her breath. So I knelt down next to the tub, showed her how to hold her breath, showed her how to blow out, showed her how to blow bubbles and then before she knew what happened I closed my eyes and stuck my entire head under the water. When I came back up her eyes were HUGE! lol, she said, "wow mom your hair looks horrible!!" LOL! I told her that I wanted to show her how easy it was to go under water. She finally started putting her entire face under, and then a little more of her head. We aren't all the way there but we have made progress!! I came out of the bathroom my hair standing straight up and wet and my shirt soaked all the way down to my pants. Nathan was like, "what in the world are you doing in the bathroom!!" hahah!!
So over all today has been a great day! My friend Anya came over and watched the kids play outside while I got to clean up the kitchen. I'm so excited to have them coming over once a week or so to play and then go to the pool with us! Life will be so much easier once I have that little bit of extra time during the day to clean up without having to chase the kids around. She has been a lifesaver!
So the rest of the week, we are in double time still! Tomorrow we have swim lessons again, Friday we have the homeschool convention and Hobble-bobble will turn 3! Saturday...we are going to the pool and somewhere in between the next three days I need to go to the grocery, get Hobble-bobble a present, write my list of curriculum I'm looking for at the convention, and finish my school work!
I've also decided to put Hobble-bobble back in diapers! I knew it was too good to be true that she decided to potty train herself a few weeks ago!! She was doing great and then....her room started smelling like pee!! Her panties kept going missing, or she would go through like 10 pair a day!! We figured out that she would sit on the potty WITH her panties ON and then pee instead of taking them off!! THEN, it began...just like Pumpkin...she started peeing EVERYWHERE!! Our carpet sounds completely like pee! It's so nasty!! So we will be having a carpet cleaning SOON! So she is back in the baby diapers!! I'm also fighting with Sweet-pea because she is desperate to go potty like everyone else, but I forbid it!! She keeps taking her diaper off everytime she pees or poops in it! When she poops, she takes off the diaper, throws it over the gate into the kitchen, (yes with the poo still in it) and goes and sits on the potty....with poop all over her butt!! I'm cleaning pee and poo ALL THE TIME!! I HATE potty training!! So I think I may make a trip to Michaels and buy some pretty duct tape and secure these diapers already!!
So I'm off to finish out the week strong!! Till next time.....
Wow this may me giggle and laugh. I can picture them doing this. Glad to hear things are going well now.