So as most of you have just found out, we are expecting baby #6!! Nathan and I found out in December right after I had my 3rd miscarriage last year. I wanted to keep it quiet until I knew everything was okay so we decided until I have an ultrasound and see the heart beating no one can know. It was so hard to keep it quiet that long, every time I am pregnant I want to yell it from the roof tops and celebrate, but I just was a bit hesitant after so many losses last year.
I decided that this time I would go with a midwife instead of an OBGYN. All the others I had with an epidural and under a doctors care, but this time I wanted something that was a little more fitting to my lifestyle. I visited a local midwife about a month ago and absolutely loved them!! I had my first actual visit on Tuesday for an ultrasound and she spent at least 2.5 hours with me, just making sure I had all my questions answered, doing the ultra sound, and talking with my family. It was seriously the best experience with a medical professional I've ever had in my life! We brought all the girls to the appointment, she was very kind and told me how it doesn't bother her at all and how she has 4 kids herself!
When we went in for the ultrasound I finally told the girls why we were there. I explained to them that God put another baby in my belly and that we were there to make sure the baby is healthy! They were ecstatic!! And were even more excited that we got to see the baby!! The baby looked healthy, had two feet buds, and two arm buds, and a beating heart!
After seeing this I felt like I could breathe a bit. I had been on edge for the entire 8.5 weeks expecting that something would happen at any minute. While we aren't still out of the woods yet I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore. The baby was alive and well and deserved to be celebrated!! So I formed a plan to announce the baby. I've learned over the previous 5 babies that any baby over 2, and our families tend to show concern. Each pregnancy after 2 they had legitimate concerns that we could financially handle things, or maybe we should get a larger house and while those are legitimate concerns, these things are the easiest for me to trust God for. God has always allowed us to have enough money to pay all our bills, plus extra, God has always provided clothes for our children, diapers when needed, and food. God will also provide us with a larger house when its His timing. So for me those things aren't important because God controls all that anyways, just like he controls how may children we will have. So in order to get our families past those concerns I've learned that we have to announce the pregnancy in an exciting way! So this time I decided to send flowers with a balloon to the grandma's at work that said "congratulations" Then on the card I wrote "Congratulations on grandbaby # 17 (11), Due 9/6/13. Love Nathan, Toneka, and The Minicoopers.
Overall our response was great! I think everyone was pretty excited to have another little one on the way! Especially our girls!
The baby is due on Nathan's birthday! Which is very exciting! So we will be spending the next 7 months trying to find a new house, and a 12 passenger van!! So prayers that God's timing will come soon!!! ;)
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