Thursday, May 30, 2013

Our Family Home Organizer

So today I used my afternoon to update my "Home Organizer" binder.  I started this a few years ago when I first discovered Fly Lady, in which they introduce you to the "Control Journal."  I have also researched other emergency/organizational binders on pinterest and came across a great blog with print outs that I also used for my binder at A Craft a Day.  When I first started my binder it was fairly pitiful!  Over the years I have added to it but it has never been quite what I needed it to be until now!  Today was the day!!  I spent my afternoon printing our forms, making my own forms, organizing and putting our entire daily life in one spot in our home!  I am so relieved to have it all finished up and ready to be used!!  So here is the finished product, I hope that it helps to motivate you to get organized as well!

So I have divided my binder into 6 separate sections Cleaning, Cooking, Schedule, Finance, and Projects.  Each divider has a place on the front to hold papers like a folder.  In the very front of my binder I have all our animal shot records along with a place to write down any passwords or Login's that I may not use often enough to remember.  Then in the front of my first pocket (Cleaning) I have our Emergency Information sheet that I typed up myself.  This sheet has a place for emergency phone numbers, Home information, Childrens Names DOB, Pediatrician number, Poison Control, and what hospital to take the children to.  This I keep lose in the folder so that if someone is watching the children I can just remove it from the binder easily and place it on the fridge.

Under the Cleaning section I have a list I have printed out from Fly Lady with weekly cleaning as well as a detailed cleaning list for each room in the house!  Under the cooking Tab I have unclipped Coupons in the front folder, then a printout to write monthly meal plans.  I put each of these meal plans into a page protector so I can use a dry erase marker on them, this allows me to re-use the pages over and over again!  I also have printouts from My Litter.  These printouts are the "Buy it now" Price list, it tells me what a bottom dollar price is on each grocery item, this way I know whether to buy or wait for the price to drop more.  I also have a print out of the Sales Cycles, this tells me what is usually on sale for each month of the year.

In the Schedule Tab, I have my front folder filled with doctor slips for x-rays coming up or blood work that needs to be done.  I also have a Daily Schedule (in a page protector) that can be easily changed if needed, A "My Morning Routine"  for each of the kids, Our Bath Schedule for the week, As well as blank calendars for each month of the year (in a page protector for easy writing).

In the finance tab I have important information such as Bills that need to be paid in the front folder.  I also have a calendar with each bill that will need paid on it's due date so that I know when all my bills are due.
And lastly, I have the project tab...this is where I put my personal projects/research.  At the moment I have all my printouts that I will need to read up on for "Natural Birth" as well as notes I have taken about the "Holy Spirit".

And that is my binder for the moment!  I love that I can just grab it and run out the door if I'm in a hurry and I have everything I will ever need from Menu's to schedules and important documents!

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