On Christmas Eve 2013, I started to have some complications that were unexpected and sent me to the Emergency Room. I was in COMPLETE SHOCK when they let me know that I WAS in fact pregnant, and I quote, "you ARE pregnant, but JUST barely! It can go either way at this point!"
I left the hospital and spent the rest of the evening trying to decide on a name for that baby for when I miscarried because I know my body and the only other time it acted up like that was when I lost our Baby Joy. Before bed that night I prayed over my stomach that God would protect our child, and that he would forgive me for not wanting another precious gift! Then I prepared myself emotionally for the worse.
At the hospital they took my HCG levels. In order to turn a test positive they have to be a 25; mine was a 28! I was told to call first thing Monday- go in and get another HCG test so that they can see if it doubled. I took the test that Monday and had to wait three days for the results!! When they came back they had almost tripled!! I was told that is a great sign but take it easy and we will have to wait for an ultra sound in 30 more days!! The wait was TORTURE!!!
Finally today was the day....
I went into the midwifes office and got ready for the Ultrasound. She kept staring at the screen like something was wrong at first and my heart was pounding out of my chest! Then she let me know that she could see the baby...but it was not a clear photo and she needed me to get dressed and move next door to the doctors office because he had a better ultrasound machine. When we got set up in there my midwife says, "I thought I was seeing two heartbeats on the other machine but the image wasn't very good!" The doctor looks around for what seemed like FOREVER, then says, "I'm only seeing one, unless there is one hiding somewhere." Then they looked a little longer and it was decided they were PRETTY sure there was only one, but I'm to come back in a few weeks to have another ultrasound when the baby is a little bigger. But the best part of all- There was a heartbeat!!!! My prayers were all answered in that one moment when I saw that little beat of a heart!
So we will know better on the exact due date at the next ultrasound but we know we will be expecting our sweet blessing #7 this September!!! Thank you Lord for a healthy baby!
I would have loved to have seen your face in the ER that night. Olivia & I pray together every night at her bedtime, so we'll be praying for sweet mini-Cooper #7! :-) <3 Ashley