When asked what a follower of Christ means, not many people will respond by saying that it means to be a slave to Christ! Most people respond by saying they are a servant of Christ, or a follower of Christ. In John MacArthur's new book "Slave", he talks about how the word "slave" has gotten lost in translation of the bible. He explains how the word "slave" or "doulos" in Greek, appears 124 times in the original text but is only actually translated into the word "slave" correctly 1 time in the entire KJV of the bible. Instead they used the word "servant".
MacArthur goes on to explore what the true meaning of being a "slave" of Christ means. He goes back to Roman times and explores in and out of what being a slave meant back then. He talks about everything from being bought, to how they were treated, and what their circumstances were if they did not obey their master. Then he paralleled it to our walk with Christ, and what being a slave of Christ means to for us. MacArthur explains how we will always be a slave to something! We will either be a slave to sin, or a slave to Christ. By being a slave to sin we are in constant fear of our master, and are promised death for eternity. But when we were bought with a price by Christ, he freed us from sin, and we also became free to live a life of righteousness, and are guaranteed to live forever with Him. We were freed from sin and enslaved to God.
I received some really great insight from this book. I've never looked at my life as being a slave to anyone. By turning the word servant, into slave it definitely turned my outlook on my walk with Christ upside down, but in a good way! This is definitely a life changing book, and worth the read.
*** I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255***
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