Monday, November 25, 2013

Update on home: house up for auction.....

So for those of you following our house saga we haven't gotten very far with things today.  For those of you who haven't been following you can catch up by reading about it here: God's Provision and Here: Update on our house

Today we spent over eight hours making phone calls and doing research on how to stop this!  We called the SCC, the Attorney General, other Attorneys and it just felt like we were getting nowhere!  Finally our realtor found a link that took me to a docket that listed our house for AUCTION set in two days!!  We found the name of the mortgage company's attorney and Nathan gave them a call.  Our closing attorney is supposed to send them paperwork in the morning showing that we had a contract to buy this home, so we are praying that they stop the auction and realize that it would be better for them to just honor our contract!

We've contacted other Attorneys in which we would have to spend thousands of dollars to even pursue this.  We were told most people just walk away from something like this because it is like a hammer squashing a fly.

I'm just in shock I think.  I know God has a plan whether we stay here or have to leave I just wish I knew what that was because not having a home for your six children is a great way to make you feel like a complete failure in every way!  My stomach is in knots all day long, I cannot think straight!  It's hard to function normally and go on like things are going to be okay!  Our kids want to put up the Christmas tree but how do we do that when we don't know if we will be taking it down the next day!  How do I just go on the next few days and keep things normal for my kids so that they do not worry!  How did any of this even happen!  I'm in desperate need of your prayers, and any contacts anyone has in the media, or with attorneys would also be so helpful!


  1. Sorry you had to go through this, but God always has a plan and will not give anything we can not handle. We just have to remember to turn to him and trust that he will answer our prayers. I know you are a strong Christian woman and that you will find the strength and words to make through the days.
